Faculty of agronomy and forestry


The faculty provides training in the following specializations:

Bachelor degree programs:

  • Agronomy
    Specialization: Production technology of crop growing products
  • Horticulture
    Specialization: Horticulture, lawn growing and floristics
  • Forestry
    Specialization: Forestry
  • Technologies of logging and woodworking industry
    Specialization: Forestry engineering business

Master’s degree programs:

  • Forestry (Forest restoration)
  • Agronomy (Innovative technologies in crop growing)

Postgraduate training programs:

  • Forestry (Forest cultures, selection, seed production).
  • General agriculture and crop growing.
  • Forest science, tree breeding, forest cultures, agroforestry melioration, planting of greenery, forest pyrology and taxation.

Training and practical base of the faculty

  • an academic building with classrooms, specialized academic laboratories of the departments and an interdepartmental laboratory for agrochemical analysis;
  • an experimental field;
  • a dendrological garden;
  • scientific-experimental forest area;
  • the fields of an instructional farm;
  • instructional farming enterprises.