Assessment of biochemical blood status of highly productive cows kept under different confinement conditions
The research has been carried out with the project named as «Study of feeding of highly productive cows under different confinement systems with the account of their biochemical status and milk quality in the European North of the Russian Federation». Regular biochemical blood tests make it possible to respond, to classify and to take measures for eliminating the adverse impact in a timely way. The article describes the results of biochemical blood tests of highly productive cows in tie-up and freestall housing in different periods of their physiological cycle. The research has been conducted on an agricultural farm in the Vologda region. The reference values and the obtained indicators of biochemical parameters of animal blood have shown disorders of energy, protein, mineral and vitamin metabolism in highly productive dairy cows.
Assessment of biochemical blood status of highly productive cows kept under different confinement conditions
The research has been carried out with the project named as «Study of feeding of highly productive cows under different confinement systems with the account of their biochemical status and milk quality in the European North of the Russian Federation». Regular biochemical blood tests make it possible to respond, to classify and to take measures for eliminating the adverse impact in a timely way. The article describes the results of biochemical blood tests of highly productive cows in tie-up and freestall housing in different periods of their physiological cycle. The research has been conducted on an agricultural farm in the Vologda region. The reference values and the obtained indicators of biochemical parameters of animal blood have shown disorders of energy, protein, mineral and vitamin metabolism in highly productive dairy cows.
Оценка биохимического статуса крови высокопродуктивных коров при разных способах содержания
Исследования проводились в рамках проекта: «Изучить систему кормления высокопродуктивных коров с учетом биохимического статуса животного при разных способах содержания в условиях Европейского Севера Российской Федерации». Регулярно используя биохимические исследованиями крови, можно на ранних стадиях неблагоприятного влияния своевременно отреагировать, классифицировать и принять меры к устранению негативного воздействия. Представлены результаты биохимических исследований крови высокопродуктивных коров в разные периоды физиологического цикла, на привязном и беспривязном содержании, проведенные на базе сельскохозяйственного предприятия Вологодской области. В конечном итоге, используя референсные значения и полученные показатели биохимических параметров крови животных, можно сделать вывод о том, что у высокопродуктивных молочных коров отмечаются нарушения энергетического, белкового, минерального и витаминного обменов.
Biochemical blood test in high-yielding lactating cows during the initial stage of lactation depending on the housing system
The biochemical parameters of blood in high-yielding lactating dairy cows during the initial stage of lactation and the tightness of this stage depending on the housing system have been studied. Innovative cattle housing and milking methods are considered in comparison with the classic tied housing system. The authors point out that the basis of effective dairy farming is the organization of standardized feeding system, and its impact on the condition of the animal.