Influence of humic substances on yield, quality and keeping qualities of red beet
The research carried out in the Pskov region on sod-podzolic mediumloamy soil during 2017-2019 has shown, that Lignogumat potasssic and Gidrogumin humic preparations increase the field germination of such three varieties of the table beet as Bona, Krasnaya Koroleva and Mulatka by 10-17% in pre-sowing seed preparation. After seed and plant treatment with the humic preparations in stage of the second pair of true leaves, the beet varieties have entered the industrial ripeness stage earlier: the Mulatka variety - for 5-8 days earlier, the Bona variety - for 3-5 days earlier, and the Krasnaya Koroleva variety - for 2-3 days earlier compared to the control plants. The beet plants treated with Gidrogumin have exceeded the control variant (water) by leaf weight by 18.8-28.5% and by root weight by 2.9-12.0%. After being treated with Gidrogumin, the Mulatka variety stands out among the other varieties by the average root weight of 325 g (+12.1%), its yielding capacity of 51.6 t/ha (+22.8%), high yield of commercial beet roots (88.4%) and the lowest total losses (4.5%) during short-term storage. After treating the seeds and plants with Lignogumat potasssic and Gidrogumin humic preparations, the quality of table beet products has not been worsened and the nitrate content has not exceeded the maximum permissible concentration. The cultivation of the Mulatka table beet variety combined with Gidrogumin treatment is profitable from the economic point of view. This variant has given the highest yield of 51.6 t/ha with the lowest labor intensity – 2.70 man hour / t and the cost of 4360 rubles/t, the maximum conditional net income – 8640 rubles/t and the highest level of profitability of 198.2%.
Influence of humic substances on yield, quality and keeping qualities of red beet
The research carried out in the Pskov region on sod-podzolic mediumloamy soil during 2017-2019 has shown, that Lignogumat potasssic and Gidrogumin humic preparations increase the field germination of such three varieties of the table beet as Bona, Krasnaya Koroleva and Mulatka by 10-17% in pre-sowing seed preparation. After seed and plant treatment with the humic preparations in stage of the second pair of true leaves, the beet varieties have entered the industrial ripeness stage earlier: the Mulatka variety - for 5-8 days earlier, the Bona variety - for 3-5 days earlier, and the Krasnaya Koroleva variety - for 2-3 days earlier compared to the control plants. The beet plants treated with Gidrogumin have exceeded the control variant (water) by leaf weight by 18.8-28.5% and by root weight by 2.9-12.0%. After being treated with Gidrogumin, the Mulatka variety stands out among the other varieties by the average root weight of 325 g (+12.1%), its yielding capacity of 51.6 t/ha (+22.8%), high yield of commercial beet roots (88.4%) and the lowest total losses (4.5%) during short-term storage. After treating the seeds and plants with Lignogumat potasssic and Gidrogumin humic preparations, the quality of table beet products has not been worsened and the nitrate content has not exceeded the maximum permissible concentration. The cultivation of the Mulatka table beet variety combined with Gidrogumin treatment is profitable from the economic point of view. This variant has given the highest yield of 51.6 t/ha with the lowest labor intensity – 2.70 man hour / t and the cost of 4360 rubles/t, the maximum conditional net income – 8640 rubles/t and the highest level of profitability of 198.2%.