Methodical aspects of determining cheese ripeness
The purpose of this work is to choose a method for cheese ripeness determination that meets the requirements of speed and reproduction in production testing laboratories without complex hardware design. The relevance of the work is dictated by the need to confirm the cheese ripeness degree in a way that is independent of the human senses, in case of controversial situations of the customs valuation of imported cheeses as well as in case of their sale in the trading network. The brief review presents currently known methods for cheese ripeness determination, which are based on the methods of organoleptic analysis and measurement of individual parameters of the chemical or physical cheese properties, which change when it ripens. They include the buffer capacity of cheese, the degree of proteolysis or lipolysis, the ability to fluoresce in ultraviolet rays and produce the sound on impact. The authors highlight the importance of organoleptic methods in assessing cheese ripeness, since all other methods, based on the measurement of one or another composition or property parameter, are guided by the results of organoleptic tests in determining the reference values of these parameters that correspond to the conditional cheese ripeness state. The method of cheese ripeness determination in relation to the mass fraction of water-soluble products of protein hydrolysis to the total mass fraction of protein by the Kjeldahl method requires clarifying and improvement. Techniques that allow evaluating the fractional composition of cheese proteins by using electrophoresis methods in polyacrylamide gel, gel filtration of high-resolution, gas-liquid chromatography, are more reasonable for scientific research, but not for the fastest control in routine analyzes. In the authors’ opinion, the method for cheese ripeness determination according to the buffer capacity (the Shilovich method) is the most suitable for the assigned tasks, but its use requires standardizing the procedure of taking measurements, considering the modern instrumentation of titrimetric analysis. For modern conditions, the Shilovich method can be improved by applying potentiometric titration to a preset pH value to determine the buffer capacity of cheese, which does not require the use of indicators and allows increasing the accuracy of measurements.
Methodical aspects of determining cheese ripeness
The purpose of this work is to choose a method for cheese ripeness determination that meets the requirements of speed and reproduction in production testing laboratories without complex hardware design. The relevance of the work is dictated by the need to confirm the cheese ripeness degree in a way that is independent of the human senses, in case of controversial situations of the customs valuation of imported cheeses as well as in case of their sale in the trading network. The brief review presents currently known methods for cheese ripeness determination, which are based on the methods of organoleptic analysis and measurement of individual parameters of the chemical or physical cheese properties, which change when it ripens. They include the buffer capacity of cheese, the degree of proteolysis or lipolysis, the ability to fluoresce in ultraviolet rays and produce the sound on impact. The authors highlight the importance of organoleptic methods in assessing cheese ripeness, since all other methods, based on the measurement of one or another composition or property parameter, are guided by the results of organoleptic tests in determining the reference values of these parameters that correspond to the conditional cheese ripeness state. The method of cheese ripeness determination in relation to the mass fraction of water-soluble products of protein hydrolysis to the total mass fraction of protein by the Kjeldahl method requires clarifying and improvement. Techniques that allow evaluating the fractional composition of cheese proteins by using electrophoresis methods in polyacrylamide gel, gel filtration of high-resolution, gas-liquid chromatography, are more reasonable for scientific research, but not for the fastest control in routine analyzes. In the authors’ opinion, the method for cheese ripeness determination according to the buffer capacity (the Shilovich method) is the most suitable for the assigned tasks, but its use requires standardizing the procedure of taking measurements, considering the modern instrumentation of titrimetric analysis. For modern conditions, the Shilovich method can be improved by applying potentiometric titration to a preset pH value to determine the buffer capacity of cheese, which does not require the use of indicators and allows increasing the accuracy of measurements.