Editorial Policies

Task and Objectives

The most important tasks of the Journal: synthesis of scientific theoretical and practical achievements of experts in the field of agriculture, prospective fundamental and applied researches and development of priority science-intensive technologies in the agricultural sector. Scientific concept of the Journal is to publish the latest achievements in the field of agriculture.

Journal’s Sections



  • 4.1. Agronomy, Forest and Water management
    • 4.1.1. General Agriculture and Crop Production (agricultural)
    • 4.1.2. Selection, Seed Production and Plant Biotechnology (agricultural)
    • 4.1.3 Agrochemistry, Soil Science, Plant Protection and Quarantine (agricultural)
  • 4.2. Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics
    • 4.2.1. Animal Pathology, Morphology, Physiology, Pharmacology and Toxicology (veterinary)
    • 4.2.4. Special Zootechnics, Livestock Feeding, Feed Preparation and Livestock Products Manufacturing Technologies (agricultural)
    • 4.2.5. Breeding, Selection, Genetics and Reproduction of Agricultural Animals (agricultural) 



  • 4.3. Agroengineering and food technology
    • 4.3.3. Food systems (technological)
    • 4.3.5. Biotechnology of food products and biologically active substances (technological)



All scientific articles submitted to the journal “Dairy Bulletin” undergo a mandatory review. Type of review: double blind (author's name is not known to the reviewer, the reviewer's name is not known to the author)

  1. Each scientific article should have a review from specialist in the corresponding scientific profile, with the degree of Doctor or Candidate of Science.
  2. The articles are reviewed by Editorial Board members, Editorial Staff or external reviewers who are the leading experts in the relevant field of science in Russia and other countries. The editor in chief appoints a reviewer for the evaluation of articles or at his request it is done by a member of the Editorial Board, supervising the appropriate section of the Journal, which, in turn, sends the article to the reviewer.
  3. All the reviewers should be recognized experts on the subject of the reviewed materials and have publications on peer-reviewed articles for the last 3 years.
  4. The reviewing of articles submitted for publication in the Journal is double blind that is the author does not know the reviewer and the reviewer does not know the author.
  5. The deadline of reviewing is 10-15 working days. At the request of the reviewer the review period may be extended.
  6. The reviewer reserves the right to refuse to do the review, if there is a conflict of interests affecting the perception and interpretation of the materials. In case of review refusal the expert reports about it within 3 working days to the Editorial Board in writing or by e-mail.
  7. After reviewing of the manuscript the reviewer gives reasonable recommendations on publication/rejection of the manuscript:
    • the article is acceptable without corrections;
    • the article is acceptable with minimal corrections at literary editor;
    • the article is acceptable with negligible corrections of the author (s);
    • unacceptable, the manuscript requires a substantial revision of the author (s).
  8. In the case if there are recommendations for correction and revision of the article, the Editorial Board sends the author the text of the review (without the reviewer's data) requesting him to take them into account when writing a new version of the article or to argue against them. To improve the article authors are given no more than 3 months after sending them e-mails with recommendation to correct the manuscript. The revised manuscript is re-reviewed.
  9. In the case of rejection from correcting the materials, authors have to notify the Editorial Board of their decision in written or in oral form. If the revised manuscript is not returned to the editorial office after 3 months from the date of the review sending, including the lack of authors’ notification to the editorial office of refusing to revise the article, the Editorial Board strikes the manuscript off the register. The authors will be notified of the striking of their manuscript off the register according to the expiration of the revision deadline.
  10. In case of irresolvable contradictions regarding the manuscript between the author and the reviewers, the Editorial Board sends the manuscript for further review. In conflict situations the decision is made by the editor in chief at the Editorial Board meeting.
  11. The decision of refuse the manuscript publication is made at the Editorial Board meeting in accordance with the recommendations of the reviewers. The article, not recommended by the Editorial Board for publication, will not be considered again. A refusal message is sent to the author by the e-mail.
  12. After the Editorial Board made a decision to admit the article for publication it informs the author about it, indicating the date of publication.
  13. The positive review is not sufficient grounds for the publication of the article. The final decision on publication is made by the Editorial Board. In conflict situations the decision is made by the editor in chief.
  14. Originals of reviews are kept in the editorial office for 5 years.
  15. The Editorial Board sends the authors copies of reviews or reasoned refusals, and shall also send copies of the reviews to the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation when receiving the relevant request to the Editorial Board.

Rules of sending, reviewing and publication of scientific articles in the "Dairy bulletin" journal


The Journal is indexed in the bibliographic database of the Russian index of scientific citation (RISC).

The journal is included in the international database AGRIS (International Information System for the Agricultural science and technology)

Publishing Ethics

The Editorial Board operates in accordance with Chapter 70 of "Copyright" of the civil code. The Editorial Board adheres to international standards of publication ethics and endeavours to prevent their violation. The main provisions of the publication ethics of the Journal are prepared on the basis of international standards proposed by the Committee on Publication Ethics, COPE.

Providing materials for publication the authors confirm that the materials do not contain secret scientific or commercial information not to be disclosed. The Journal publishes only original articles. All manuscripts are checked for borrowings. All manuscripts receive reviews from at least one reviewer. Information about the reviewer is closed. The Journal does not publish articles of political content and which contain incorrect or false information. The author provides information about himself. The place of work and email address are published in the Journal.

The regulations on publication ethics of the "Dairy Bulletin"


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education the Vereshchagin State Dairy Farming Academy of Vologda

Author fees

Publication in the journal for authors is free.

Disclosure and conflict of interests

Disclosure and conflict of interests. Unpublished data submitted may not be used for personal research without the agreement of the Author. Information obtained during the review remains confidential and is not used for the purpose of personal gain. Reviewers should not participate in consideration of manuscripts in case of conflict of interests resulting from competitive, collaborative and other interactions and relationships with any of the Authors, companies or other organizations associated with the work.

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