Rules of sending, reviewing and publication of scientific articles in the "Dairy bulletin" journal

  1. The article is accepted for a review if it meets the requirements imposed for registration and if it has the full set of documents.
  2. Papers provided into the Editorial Board:
    • original carefully read full text of articles with abstracts, keywords and references in electronic form and on the paper medium with the signature of the author(s) (title, keywords, abstract in Russian and English);
    • cover letter;
    • author’s letter of verification;
    • license contract on granting the right to use the work;
    • summary;
    • agreement letter for storage, processing and transfer of your personal data, which shall be certified by the scientific Secretary and sealed with the stamp of the organization where the author works;
    • electronic copies of all the documents should be sent to the e-mail address
  3. The article is registered by the editor-in-chief (assistant editor) in the articles’ registration book with the incoming date, name, surname of the author(s), affiliation of the author(s). Article is assigned with a unique registration number.
  4. The Journal provides reviewing of all incoming materials in accordance with its subject for their expert evaluation.
  5. The articles review may be carried out by the Editorial Board members, or external leading experts in the relevant field of science in Russia and other countries. The editor-in-chief makes a decision on choosing the appropriate   reviewer or at his request a member of the Editorial Board, supervising the appropriate section of the Journal, sends the article to the reviewer.
  6. All the reviewers should be recognized experts on the subject of the reviewed materials and have publications on peer-reviewed articles for the last 3 years.
  7. The review of the articles sent for publication into the Journal is double blind that is the author does not know the reviewer and the reviewer does not know the author.
  8. The reviewing term is 10-15 business days. At the reviewer’s request the term may be prolonged.
  9. Each article submitted for reviewing, should be tested for the presence of illegal borrowings. It is not allowed publish the article, the originality of which is below 70% reveled by the "anti-Plagiarism" or similar system.
  10. The reviewer reserves the right to reject reviewing the article, if there is a conflict of interests affecting the perception and interpretation of the article materials. If there is a rejection to review, the expert reports about it to the Editorial Board in writing or by e-mail within 3 working days.
  11. After reviewing of the manuscript the reviewer gives reasonable recommendations on publication/rejection of the manuscript:
    • the article is acceptable without corrections;
    • the article is acceptable with minimal corrections, by literary editor;
    • the article is acceptable with minor corrections of the author (s);
    • the article unacceptable, the manuscript requires a substantial revision of the author(s).
  12. If there are recommendations to correct and refine the article, the Editorial Board sends the author the text of the review (without the reviewer's name) with the recommendations to be taken into account when writing a new version of the article or arguments to refute them. To improve the article authors are given no more than 3 months after receiving e-mails about the necessity to correct the manuscript. The refined manuscript is re-reviewed.
  13. If the author rejects to correct the materials, he has to notify the Editorial Board about his decision in written or in oral form. If the refined manuscript is not returned to the Editorial Office after 3 months from the date of receiving the review, or if there is the absence of authors’ notification of the Editorial Office about rejection to refine the article, the Editorial Board strikes the manuscript off the registration. The authors will be notified of their manuscript withdrawal from the registration list according to the expiration of the deadline for revision.
  14. In case of irresolvable contradictions regarding the manuscript between the authors and reviewers, the Editorial Board sends the manuscript for further review. In conflict situations the decision is made by the editor-in-chief at the Editorial Board meeting.
  15. The decision to reject the publication of a manuscript is taken at the Editorial Board meeting in accordance with the recommendations of the reviewers. The article not recommended by the Editorial Board for publication will not be considered again. The author is sent a refusal message by e-mail.
  16. After the Editorial Board made a decision to admit the article for publication it informs the author about it, indicating the date of publication.
  17. The positive review is not a sufficient ground for the article publication. The final decision on publication is made by the Editorial Board. In conflict situations the decision is made by the editor-in-chief.
  18. Originals of reviews are kept in the Editorial Office for 5 years.
  19. The Editorial Board sends the authors copies of the reviews or reasoned refusals, and shall also send copies of reviews to the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation when receiving the relevant request.
  20. The articles having positive reviews are collected into the blocks by editor-in-chief or responsible editor for the preparation of the next issue of the publication in accordance with the section of the Journal.
  21. The Editorial Board makes the decision to include the article into the appropriate section of the next Journal issue, or to transfer the article publication into the following Journal issue. The decision may be made on the reasonable rejection to publish the article in the Journal. The decision is made not less than by 2/3 present members of the Editorial Board.
  22. The articles accepted by the Editorial Board for publication in the following issue of the Journal are sent to the technical editors. 
  23. After the literary and technical correction the text of the manuscript is agreed with the authors, and the imposed journal variety is sent to the editor-in-chief or his deputy on approval.
  24. The proposed issue is approved by the editor-in-chief or his deputy, the founder at the request of the editor-in-chief makes an order on the issue and it is sent to technical editors for setting on the Journal website.
  25. According to the contract with the scientific electronic library (SEL) technical editors prepare databases containing the metadata of the Journal: names of authors, keywords, links of articles, abstracts of articles.
  26. After being published on the website of the journal the distribution of necessary copies is carried out to the Federal "President’s library named after B. N. Eltsin", to the international database, AGRIS, as well as in accordance with signed contracts for setting in the online resource Cyberleninka (, the Electronic library system "LAN’" ( and, etc.

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