
Evaluating harvested feed in the Vologda Region for the presence of nitrate compounds

The improvement of agriculture is inextricably linked with the increase in feed production. The intensive feed production system involves using high doses of nitrogen fertilizers. This significantly increases the yield, but at the same time nitrates accumulate in soil, water and feed. Excessive amount of nitrates causes the wrong course of functioning in natural ecosystems and animal organisms, there is a decrease in the biological value of products. Meanwhile, the importance of nitrates and their impact on human health has increased recently.

The yield of ‘Elizabeth’ potato variety depending on weather conditions and fertilizers

On soddy  podzolic medium  loamy soil of the Vologda region using

fertilizers in N20P20 dose while planting caused a reliable increase in potato yield of 5.4

t/hectare in comparison with control.The potato yield received when precisely calculated

doses of fertilizers were applied increased by 10.7-15.9 t/hectare (76-114%). Mineral

fertilizer system with the maximum dose of potash fertilizers and organic mineral system

differed insignificantly in their impact on the yield of tubers.Applying fertilizers both in

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