пастбищные фитоценозы

Festulolium and domestic ryegrass use for pasture agrophytocenosis creation

The article presents the research experiment undertaken in 2017 in the experimental field of the North-Western Research Institute of Dairy and Grassland Farming, i.e. a separate division of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Vologda Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The study has shown that the use of new species and varieties of grasses (Festulolium and domestic ryegrass) have positive results in creating pasture agrophytocenosis.

Yields of legume - cereal grass in pasture use depending on the species composition UNDER the Vologda region conditions

The article presents the results of the four years research (2012-2015) on yield capacity, nutritional value and botanical composition of grassland phytocenoses. The most productive is recognized as a four legume-cereal grass mixture on the basis of Carmine red clover and eastern goat’s-rue Krivich in combination with the fescue and timothy grass. Mixture is characterized by a high proportion of legumes (40.9%), enhanced yielding from 1 ha fodder units (2851), digestible protein (400.6 kg / ha) and high nitrogen-fixing ability (69.7 kg / ha).

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