milking technology

Influence of the season on the mass fraction of protein and urea in the milk of cows of black and motley breeds with different methods of maintenance and milking technologies

The article presents the results of studies on the urea content and the mass fraction of protein in the milk of cows with a tethered and loose method of maintenance, taking into account the technology of milking cows, depending on the season. The optimum content of urea, protein in cow’s milk is established in summer period, the greatest one is revealed in winter period with all milking methods and maintenance technologies

Effect of different milk production technology on milk yield of cows and somatic cell maintenance

The article provides the information on the results of the study of quantitative and qualitative indicators of milk and somatic cells based on the method of keeping and cows’ milking technology. The influence of the technology of the milk yield on the somatic cells maintenance is established.

The causes of the disposal of the animals and the main milk productivity indices of cows having different genotypes depending on the method of housing and technology of milking

The causes of the disposal of the animals and the main milk productivity indices of cows having different genotypes depending on the method of housing and technology of milking have been analyzed. For all the evaluated periods the animals which were milked with a robotic system in the free stall barn surpassed the cows which were kept on a leash and milked into the pipeline with the help of milking machines. Along with this, in the cows kept in the free stall barn the limb diseases caused culling more often than in other groups of animals under study.

Influence of the season on the maintenance of somatic cells in the milk of black-and-white cows under various milking technologies

The article presents the results of the season dependence on the somatic cells quantity in black-and-white cow’s milk according to the milking technology.

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