продукционный процесс

Formation of steadily productive annual mixed sowings based on optimization of mineral nutrition

Complex researches have been conducted in the Tver region on sod medium podzolic sandy loam well-cultivated soil. We have studied implementation of crop yield programmable levels by means of vetch-barley-oats mixtures different in composition. The advantage of their cultivation on grain-and-hay has been revealed, when the program both at the background of 2.5 thous. feed unit /ha and 5.0 thous. feed unit /ha on all variants of mixed crops was exceeded. Program has been carried out only at the programming level on 2.5 thous. feed unit / ha when growing mixtures for grain.

Formation of oats productivity under the influence of mineral nutrition background and foliar dressing with preparation Izabion

Тhe investigations were conducted in the Tver region, on the sod medium sandy loam well cultivated soil, there were studied the features of formation of oats productivity under the influence of mineral nutrition background and foliar dressing with preparation Izabion (1 - effective fertility, 2 and 3 and NPK on 3.5 and 4.5 tons of grain per 1 ha).

Peculiarities of winter crops productional process depending on conditions of main soil processing and mineral nutrition

As a result of comprehensive studies conducted in the Tver region, on sod-medium sandy loam well cultivated soil peculiarities of yield formation of winter crops (wheat, rye, triticale) under the influence of different methods of main tillage and backgrounds of mineral nutrition are studied.

Desk02 theme
