Data on species composition of fresh-water mollusks, representatives of Gastropoda (Cuvier, 1795) under the conditions of the Vologda region are provided. 27 types relating to 10 childbirth: Aplexa (Fleming, 1820), Physa (Draparnaud, 1801), Lymnaea (Lamarck, 1799), Anisus (Studer, 1820), Armiger (Hartmann, 1840), Planorbis (Geoffroy, 1767), Segmentina (Fleming, 1818), Bithynia (Leach, 1818), Valvata (O.F.Müller, 1774), Viviparus (Montfort, 1810) are determined. Dominating look is Lymnaea truncatula, Müller, 1774. The main groups of biotopes are defined.