индексы этологической активности

Ethological individuality as a sign of ayrshire cattle breeding

Studies having been carried out on animals of Ayrshire breed show that indexes of food, motion and total activity selection can be successfully used as selection signs. Selection of cows on ethological individuality is accompanied by an increase of their milk production. Animals with increased food activity, compared to cows with a low one, have got the rise of milk yield per lactation by 686 kg. Ultra-active cows should be mentioned particularly, productivity of them opposite to infrapassive ones increases by 49%.

Use of ethological indices in ayrshire cattle breeding

The article presents data of ethological monitoring of Ayrshire first lactation cows, which are kept in tied confinement during summer. Breeding cows according to the ethological individuality is accompanied by an increase of milk productivity indicators. Animals with high feeding activity have a 967 kg increase per lactation, compared with animals with low feeding activity. The productivity of active and ultra active cows increases by 15.6 -17,2 %, while the coefficient of lactation stability increases by 5 - 9 %, unlike the productivity of infrapassive animals.

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