daily milk yield

An efficient mineral and energy supplement in the rations of highly productive cows

The article discusses the results of scientific and economic experiment carried out on black-motley breed cows on the use of mineral and energy supplement, ‘Reactor’, which includes energy components, calcium propionate, betaine and natural sorbent. The complex action of the investigated product had a positive impact on animal productivity. It was established experimentally that using during the transitional period of 250-350 gr. of ‘Reactor’ per head daily allows to increase daily milk yield of cows in the first hundred days of lactation by 9.8 and 14.5% (to 30.3 and 31.6 kg vs.

“Smartamine” feed additive use in dairy cows ration

The article gives the results of methane-containing feed additive use on productive and reproductive characteristics of dairy cows, as well as physical and chemical, and technical properties of milk. Feeding 15 gr of Smartamine feed additive per a head made an increase in milk yield capacity by 13% in keeping the quality of obtained products, as well as optimization of reproductive abilities of cows and their health state.

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