
Assessment of the current state of the dairy cattle industry in the North-Western Federal District and the Vologda Region

Dynamic changes in the dairy cattle industry in the North-Western Federal District and the Vologda Region require their monitoring and studying to determine promising development trends.

Meat productivity of crossbred cattle improved by Red Steppe and Black-motley breeds

The article describes the results of studying crossbred cattle. Under equal keeping conditions and moderate feeding the sons of the Red Steppe mothers and the Red Danish and Holstein fathers (groups I and III) used 7-19% less feed units and 6-15% less protein per 1 kg of weight gain than crossbred bull calves of the Red Steppe and Angler, Black-motley and Holstein breeds (groups II and IV). No regularity was found in the consumption of feed per 1 kg of weight gain between the sons of breed improvers of different categories and interbreed hybrids.

Efficiency of forced molting on lying hen commercial herds

As a result of the studies carried out on the chicken breed «High sex brown» it has been established that by applying forced molting it is possible to increase the period of industrial poultry use on average by 24 weeks what lets to raise egg production efficiency.

Tendencies of dairy cattle breeding development in vologda region and north-west federal district

The article presents monitoring of the number of farms, livestock and productivity indices of dairy cattle in the Vologda region and in the North-West Federal District within the period of five years.

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