
The influence of cortisol on some immunological parameters of carps

This paper presents an assessment of changes in some indicators of the immune system in the control and experimental group of carp under the influence of endogenous cortisol. It was found that when the level of cortisol increases the activity of cellular immunity in fish created by leukocytes increases as well. Other indicators of the immunological status decrease with the increase of this hormone.



Selection of parent pig pairs by resistency indexes

In 2015, 18 sows of a large white breed, 72 piglets obtained from these sows and 18 boars from another farm, whose sperm was taken for fertilization of sows, were examined in the Kislov individual entrepreneur farm by resistance indicators. On the basis of blood indices, a new selection index of resistance was developed, which includes bactericidal, complementary and lysozyme activity of blood serum, phagocytic activity and index, taking into account the coefficients of heritability of each feature. Parent pairs were selected for resistance indices, which had a positive effect.

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