
The Quality of Silage Made from a Mixture of Fodder Galega and French Willow

Silage-making is a simple and reliable way to preserve the green fodder mass in a succulent state. The article regards the options for silage-making of fodder galega with the addition of French willow (rosebay willow-herb) in various ratios. The quality indicators of the finished feed have been determined. It has been revealed that the pH of all silage variants does not reach the biological limit values for the development of lactic acid bacteria (3.0 - 4.2).

Use of starter combined feeds in the ration of black-andwhite replacement heifers

The article presents results of the research dedicated to the influence of starter combined feeds on the growth of black-and-white replacement heifers. It has been found that feeding the animals at the age of 2-5 months with the starter combined feeds in the amount of 1.5-1.7 kg per head daily contributes to greater edibility of feeds and increase in average daily gains while optimizing the animal health condition.

Chlorella suspension use in feeding yield heifers of blackand white breed in milk period growth

The article gives the results of studying on chlorella suspension influence on the yield heifers of black-and white breed. It has been established that feeding crop additions to animals in milk period growth of 0,5kg per head during twenty-four hours brings an increase in average daily gain, feeding activity of heifers along with health conditions optimization.

Influence of feed quality on milk productivity indicators

The article presents the results of studies on affecting of feed quality on the quality and quantity milk indicators in view of a livestock management method and milking technology. The analysis has revealed the relationship between the balanced diet of dairy cows and the level of milk yield. With the improvement of bulky feed quality the quality of milk has improved too. During the period under review we have noticed an increase in milk production and mass fraction of milk fat content using all management methods and technologies of milking.

Effective additive «Tasco» in the diets of Ayrshire cows

Research on studies of feed additive Tasco, consisting of 96% dried seaweeds, influence on the amount and composition of milk in microelements and in iodine specification as well as reproductive characteristics performed by high-yielding cows are carried out. It is established that the studied product inclusion into cows’ rations by 40 and 60 gr a day per head allowed increase day yields from 29,5 kg to 31,7 and 32,8 kg (by 7,5 and 11,2%) in the first lactation period. The tendency of positive Tasco influence on cows’ reproduction is determined as service-period duration is decreased.

Determination of the herbs drying coefficients on experimental data

The method of defining a component equation in drying herbs on the experimental data is developed. Two methods of solving nonlinear algebraic equations with the use of computer systems Mathcad and Microsoft Excel are considered.

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