
Correlation relationships of economic characteristics in black-and-white cattle

The present study has been carried out for obtaining comparative correlation data between productive and reproductive characteristics of the daughters of domestic and foreign breeding bulls in the modern black-and-white population of the Vologda region. The research is based on the works of domestic and foreign scientists and information databases on 10250 black-and-white cows of the 1st calving in the Vologda breeding farms. The statistical data has been calculated in the Microsoft Excel program.

Lifetime use of cows from different breeding bulls

The article presents the influence of the birthplace in Ayrshire producers from Vologda region on the lifetime productivity and terms of using their daughters in the breeding plants (Krasnaya Zvezda and Maysky  integrated agricultural production  companies). The selection influence on using of daughters is found out, namely high lifetime productivity indicators are typical for cows from imported producers, longevity and high fat content for the descendants of domestic bulls.


Breeding black-motley cattle for productive longevity

The article presents the results of black-motley cattle linear breeding in the Vologda region. The linear dependence of black-motley cows’ useful life has been established both in purebred animals and in crosses with Holstein sires.

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