продуктивность коров

Comparative evaluation of the influence of vaccinal stress on a number of physiological indicators, productivity and quality indicators of cows

The article presents the results of studies devoted to the influence of vaccination stress (stress related to the category of experimental stresses) on physiological indicators in terms of general clinical and biochemical blood analysis, productivity indicator and quality milk indicators of second lactation cows and first-calf cows.

Analysis of health condition, milk production and reproduction of cows when using in rations food additives based on needles

In order to increase the productivity of dairy cows and maintain their health, the search for complex food additives with multifactorial positive properties is continuously carried out. A scientific and economic experiment of a new food additive based on needles developed by the technical and research centre “Khiminvest” has been conducted. The experiment has been conducted by the method of groups-analogues on highly productive cows.

Desk02 theme
