лактирующие коровы

Biochemical blood test in high-yielding lactating cows during the initial stage of lactation depending on the housing system

The biochemical parameters of blood in high-yielding lactating dairy cows during the initial stage of lactation and the tightness of this stage depending on the housing system have been studied. Innovative cattle housing and milking methods are considered in comparison with the classic tied housing system. The authors point out that the basis of effective dairy farming is the organization of standardized feeding system, and its impact on the condition of the animal.

Changes in Milk Productivity Using the Feed Concentrate “Urga” in the Diet of Highly Productive Cows

The results of research in milk productivity of lactating cows using the feed concentrate “Urga”, products of the EM series (LLC “EM-cooperation”) were analyzed. The received the feed concentrate “Urga” animals had higher monthly milk yield, the amount of milk produced in terms of base fat and protein, higher level of realization of productive capacity, which pointes out the feasibility in developing a feeding program and increasing the efficiency of milk production.

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