Effect of barn layout solutions on manure-containing waste water amount

УДК 636.083.312.3

The paper presents calculation results of manure-containing waste water amount from the milking parlour for six variants of dairy herd housing on the example of the dairy farm for 1200 milking cows with loose and cubicle housing. Depending upon the size of technological groups and barn layout solutions the amount of produced waste water may vary up to 12.5%.

Effect of barn layout solutions on manure-containing waste water amount

УДК 636.083.312.3

The paper presents calculation results of manure-containing waste water amount from the milking parlour for six variants of dairy herd housing on the example of the dairy farm for 1200 milking cows with loose and cubicle housing. Depending upon the size of technological groups and barn layout solutions the amount of produced waste water may vary up to 12.5%.

Desk02 theme
