Factors of economic efficiency in sunflower seed production

УДК 631.1:633.854.78 (571.15)

The research objective is to determine the effect of specialization and location of sunflower cultivation for oilseeds in the Altai region on the economic efficiency. The comparison of agricultural organizations, to which this direction is the primary or a secondary sector of production, shows a decrease of economic efficiency of the used resources in case of increasing the cultivated area. The differentiation has been determined by imperfection of production system in most agricultural organizations, including the non-optimal amount of production and location according to natural and economic zones as well as violation of crop rotation systems, tillage and care of crops. As for the group of specialized enterprises, due to non-optimal timing of the sunflower return to the former place a shortfall of 20-25% of gross crop production, decrease in specific labour input and in the cost of 1 centner of oilseeds have been demonstrated, thus proving the negative effect of specialization on the economic efficiency of resource use in the industry.

Desk02 theme
