Экономические науки

Dairy cattle breeding and fodder production in the Orenburg region: state and trends of development

The basis for stability of economic, social and political situation in society and the world depends primarily on the efficiency of agriculture. The Orenburg region is one of the most developed agricultural areas of the Russian Federation and the Volga Federal district. Currently it is necessary to create an optimal mechanism for economic interest of agricultural enterprises in increasing milk production.

Factors of economic efficiency in sunflower seed production

The research objective is to determine the effect of specialization and location of sunflower cultivation for oilseeds in the Altai region on the economic efficiency. The comparison of agricultural organizations, to which this direction is the primary or a secondary sector of production, shows a decrease of economic efficiency of the used resources in case of increasing the cultivated area.

Methods of monitoring of social-economic efficiency of credit cooperation

A complex scenario of development of credit cooperation has been suggested, it is based on measures of governmental regulation and improvement of information analysis system. The authors have developed and tested the system of indicators on the example of the Vologda region. The system allows assessing the social and economic efficiency of credit cooperation of the region as a condition of sustainable development of rural territories.

Factors forming consumer prices for dairy products

The problems of forming consumer prices of milk and dairy products have been studied. The structure of the final price for sold milk in Russia and the distribution of income between the members of production and commercial chain have been considered. The analysis of the causes of price volatility for agricultural products in general and for milk and dairy products in particular has been given. The effect of the price of purchasing raw milk by dairy plants and the opportunities offered by milk processing directly on farms have been shown.

Economic mechanism of local mini-cluster development with participation of small business pattern

The successful operation of mini clusters increases the income of each participant by reducing losses, improving product quality and growing of production volumes, by more complete and rational use of resources and elimination of unnecessary levels of intermediation. All the areas of the Leningrad Region at a distance from the main sales center (Saint-Petersburg) are divided by us into three groups - up to 100 km, 100-199 km and 200 km or more. It has been given the characteristic of each group and it has been identified the sphere of specialization of small business pattern in each group.

Development of the Agrarian Sector and Rural Areas of Northwest in the Conditions of Import Substitution Policy

The study has identified possibilities and limitations of the development of agricultural production and rural areas in Northwest Federal District in conditions of import substitution strategy in agro industrial complexes in the context of phenomena development dynamics in other Russian Federation regions.

Method of Determining Priority Investment Sectors for Milk Processing Enterprises

Russian economy recovery from a deep systemic crisis is possible only by means of production investment expansion. However, receiving sufficient investment does not guarantee its effective use by the company. The present situation is the following: on the one hand an enterprise is in a dire need for investment, and on the other hand many of them are unable to ensure its effective use because of no or insufficient investment management elaboration.

Labour market in vologda region: analysis of problems and territorial features of development

The article gives the analysis of labour market state in the Vologda Region and some of its districts within the period of 2009-2013. It views the industrial employment structure and gives some recommendations concerning the imbalance of labour force at the labour market.

Improving the bank portfolio profitability using the scoring method in OAO «Rosselkhozbank»

The article illustrates the effectiveness of using the scoring method by a commercial bank for the borrower creditability. This method allows increasing the bank’s loan portfolio and improve its profitability. The article also describes a way of reducing the share of problem loans with the help of a professional psychologist interview with the potential borrower.

Methodological basis of a comprehensive comparative evaluation of the economic potential of branches

The article gives the methodological basis and approaches for comparative evaluation of economic potential of branches on the Vologda region example. The entity of the branch economic potential, factors for its formation and development are determined, the system of indicators for the comprehensive evaluation of branch economic potential is given. The method of comparative evaluation of branches, stages of comparative integral indicators’ value formation is determined.


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