The optimum shelf life of chilled turkey meat using different packaging methods
The study is carried out in LLC «Evrodon», October (c) district of Rostov region. It has been found that males at the age of 140 days are larger 1.80 times more than females, 147 days - 1.62, and 154 days - 1.58. Breast weight of males is 5.42 kg, that is 2.19 kg more than in females. Chemical meat composition has been showed that the dry matter in the meat of 147- day- old males is by 0.86% higher compared with 140 -day-old ones; the dry matter in the meat of 154- day-old males is by 0.33% higher compared to 147- day-old ones. The index in females is 0.5% and 0.6% respectively. Protein content in the meat obtained from 147 -day-old males is by 0.78% higher compared with the meat of 140 -day-old ones; and protein content in the meat of 154- day-old males is by 0.08% higher than of the 147 - day-old ones. Females index is 0.69% and 0.14% respectively. Fat content is by 0.22% higher in the meat of 147- day-old males compared with 140-day-old ones; and by 0.16% higher in the meat obtained from 154- day-old males compared to 147- day-old ones. The parameter in females is 0.2% and 0.07% respectively. As a result of the research it has been found that the shelf life of turkey meat in vacuum at a temperature from 0 to +2°C is 15 days, in a modified atmosphere - 10 days. Therefore the storage of cooled turkey meat in the vacuum is more appropriate. The physico-chemical characteristics of turkey carcasses and their parts (halves, breast, fillet, drumsticks, thighs and wings) packed under vacuum after 15 days of storage at temperature from 0 to +2°C correspond to the normative values what confirms turkey meat freshness.