Биологические и сельскохозяйственные науки

The yield of ‘Elizabeth’ potato variety depending on weather conditions and fertilizers

On soddy  podzolic medium  loamy soil of the Vologda region using

fertilizers in N20P20 dose while planting caused a reliable increase in potato yield of 5.4

t/hectare in comparison with control.The potato yield received when precisely calculated

doses of fertilizers were applied increased by 10.7-15.9 t/hectare (76-114%). Mineral

fertilizer system with the maximum dose of potash fertilizers and organic mineral system

differed insignificantly in their impact on the yield of tubers.Applying fertilizers both in

Optimization of veterinary and sanitary expertise of honey based on mathematical modeling of the dependence of the diastaznoe number on the amount of pollen grains

The present paper contains results of a laboratory expertise of 20 honey samples from different regions. The correlation dependence of the diastaznoe number on the amount of pollen grains in the sample was analyzed, a statistically significant mathematical model of interrelation was tested, on the basis of which the average expected limits of the honey quality index by the diastaznoe number were calculated. This allows one to obtain a quick result, without spending a detailed laboratory expertise of samples.

Milk quality of Ayrshire breed cows (Prilutsky type) depending on a season and a keeping way

The article presents the results of the season study influencing the on the milk quality of Ayrshire breed cows (Prilutskiy type). It is established that regardless of the keeping cows the protein and fat content in milk of Ayrshire breed cows (Prilutskiy type) at the «Agrofirma Red Star» tends to decrease in summer. Regardless of the season the somatic cell indicators in cow’s milk are lower in 1.73-2.03 times when loose housing and milking in the parlor compared with the tethered housing and milking in the stalls.

Flax productivity in seven-field crop rotation on sod-podzolic light loamy soil by using fertilizers and biopreparation

New experimental data have been obtained in the stationary multi-year field experiment on sod-podzolic light loamy soil in 2016-2017. Actual yields of flax straw and seeds of «Levit 1» flax variety in 7-fields system with different levels of fertilizer doses are calculated using balance coefficients in «Mizorin» biological preparation application and without it.

Phased improvement of feed production under the conditions of large commercial agricultural enterprise

The presented new methods for studying the production and economic activities in the feed production of the large commercial agricultural enterprise PSK (Industrial Agricultural Cooperative) “50 Let Oktyabrya” allow setting certain benchmarks in the phased improvement of the enterprise fodder production. The results of the research work of the enterprise during 2009-2017 made it possible to develop an original matrix of cultivating maize for silage and, in whole, made it possible to establish the most important factors of successive improvement of feed production.

Relationship of FABP2 (-561A> C) gene polymorphism with abdominal fat content in сhickens of meat poultry production

Poultry farming is one of the most dynamic, highly developed and knowledge-intensive branches of domestic livestock production. In recent years, in the meat balance the poultry meat level has reached more than 33% in the world and 40% in Russia, especially by means of growing chicken broilers. At the same time, it has become evident that the lipid nutritional value of poultry meat needs correction in order to increase its biological value. About 15-20% of the modern broiler carcass is fat.

Selection aspects of increasing the terms of productive use of cows of Ayrshire breed

The article presents the research materials concerning the terms of productive economic use of Ayrshire cows bred in the Vologda region. The differences of animals of different genealogical lines of Ayrshire cattle on the number of lactation, milking days and milk life productivity were revealed. The influence on the specified indicators of various options of breeding animals’ selection is established. Recommendations on improvement of selection and breeding work with Ayrshire cattle breed are given

Productive longevity of black-and-white cows

The genetic potential of the productive longevity of dairy cattle is high and is more than 12-15 years. The economic use of animals for 5-6 lactations, undoubtedly, reduces the costs of their breeding and culling of low-yielding animals at a fairly early age significantly. At the same time, the average age of these cows’ use at the enterprises of our country is about 3.0 of calving. The research was made in the breeding enterprise Agricultural Pedigree Complex “Plemzavod” Razliv “of the Kurgan region.

Current state and main directions of technological development of dairy cattle in the Russian Federation

The paper presents analytical materials of the current state of dairy cattle breeding in the Russian Federation. It was established that the number of cows is declined and gross milk production doesn’t grow. Moreover, a stable increase in the productivity of cows did not compensate for losses of gross milk production due to the decrease in the number of cows.

Comparative evaluation of alfalfa silage and alfalfa silage with legumes and cereals

The article presents the results of the comparative evaluation of alfalfa silage and alfalfa silage with other legumes and cereals. The high protein content in silos is 14.45-14.73%. The fiber content is 31.07-33.04%. It contributes to easy digestion and does not require additional processing.


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