Аntiplatelet therapy for parvovirus enteritis in dogs by age 2 to 6 months

УДК 619:616-07:636.7

The paper presents the results of the use of antiplatelet therapy for parvovirus enteritis in dogs by age 2 to 6 months. The study involved 30 dogs by age 2 to 6 months, who were diagnosed with parvovirus enteritis. They were divided into 2 groups of 15 dogs, one group used standard therapy, the second group, in addition to standard therapy, used antiplatelet therapy. The inclusion of pentoxifylline and rheopolyglucin in the treatment of parvovirus enteritis in dogs allows maintaining the level of lymphocytes on the 3rd (39.21 ± 5.08%) and 5th day of illness (32.91 ± 1.39%), the amount of hemoglobin (137 , 62 ± 13.17 g / l), platelets (352.7 ± 25.41 x 109 / l) and thrombocritis (0.38 ± 0.03%) on the 5th day of illness at the level of control figures; it leads to a decrease in platelet aggregation properties, which is manifested by a decrease in SIAT with all inducers (50.12 ± 8.3% with ADP, 66.71 ± 12.37% with collagen and 71 ± 11.5% with ristomycin on the 3rd day and 45.35 ± 15.83% with ADP, 58.29 ± 16.32% with collagen and 53.12 ± 9.35% with ristomycin on the 5th day) and deceleration of SA with ristomycin to 0.025 ± 0.006 min on 5th day of illness. All of the above can reduce mortality by 20% relative to the group with the basic treatment regimen.

Desk02 theme
