
Аntiplatelet therapy for parvovirus enteritis in dogs by age 2 to 6 months

The paper presents the results of the use of antiplatelet therapy for parvovirus enteritis in dogs by age 2 to 6 months. The study involved 30 dogs by age 2 to 6 months, who were diagnosed with parvovirus enteritis. They were divided into 2 groups of 15 dogs, one group used standard therapy, the second group, in addition to standard therapy, used antiplatelet therapy.

Morphofunctional parameters of platelets in dogs of different age with parvoviral enteritis

The paper presents the results of the study of morphofunctional parameters of platelets in dogs with parvovirus enteritis at different ages. The most strongly expressed change of platelet parameters at parvovirus infection is in puppies aged 2 to 6 months. On the third day of the disease the number of platelets decreases and platelet disaggregation index under the action of ristomycin as well.

Vivo diagnosis of dogs Toxocariasis, comparative characteristics of methods’ effectiveness

The results of the comparative diagnostic efficiency of traditional helminthological and serological methods for the diagnostics of toxocariasis dogs T.canis are shown. Epizootological and seroepizootological data on toxocariasis spread in the population of dogs of the city of Vologda are obtained.

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