стратегическое управление инвестициями

Method of Determining Priority Investment Sectors for Milk Processing Enterprises

Russian economy recovery from a deep systemic crisis is possible only by means of production investment expansion. However, receiving sufficient investment does not guarantee its effective use by the company. The present situation is the following: on the one hand an enterprise is in a dire need for investment, and on the other hand many of them are unable to ensure its effective use because of no or insufficient investment management elaboration.

Assessment of the investment impact on an enterprise (branch) economic activity on the investment strategy development phase (on the example of enterprises of dairy industry)

The success of our investment activities is largely determined by the degree of the entity adaptation to the investment environment. This requires to carry out the forecast of the investment environment condition at the early stage of the investment strategy formation. This allows industry use the favourable opportunities to invest and be prepared for negative factors that may be associated with the investment process, identify the most favourable alternatives, thereby ensure the effective adaptation of investment strategy to external conditions.

Desk02 theme
