
The influence of the phase of the growing season on the mineral composition of the narrow-leaved fireweed

In the experiments the mineral composition of narrow-leaved fireweed was studied in different phases of its growing season in the conditions of the NorthWestern region of Russia in the Vologda region. It was experimentally established that narrow-leaved fireweed is a promising forage plant in the North-Western zone of Russia. It can meet the needs of lactating cows in macro-and microelements, except sodium, zinc, copper and cobalt.

Nutrition and behavior study of reserve heifers kept on various diets

The article describes the study results of nutrition and behavior influence in reserve heifers kept on various diets. According to the results, it has been established that the diet type forms the certain direction of digestive processes in calves. The diet containing haylage enhances the gastric digestion of the calves and contributes to a high level of digestion. Solo-fodder reduces gastric levels and enhances intestinal digestion and somewhat reduces overall nutrient digestibility.

Monitoring the viability of dairy cows

The article presents a working model for monitoring the basic body processes in animals. The main approaches to the implementation of the proposed model are described and disclosed. It has been indicated that the requirements for assessing feed quality and actual nutritional value include the task core to be solved not only in order to control viability, but also to increase the dairy farming efficiency at agricultural enterprises of the Vologda region.

Influence of energy supplement «Avatar» on reproductive quality and milk productivity of cows

A scientific-economic experiment was conducted on highly productive black and white cows by the method of analog groups on the basis of one of the best farms of the Vologda region to identify the effectiveness of energy supplement “Avatar” produced by “AgroBalt Trade”. The experiment was conducted on cows in a transit period. Different dose combinations were tested. The effectiveness of the energy supplement “Avatar” on milk production at a dose of 500 g before calving and 700 g after calving was revealed. The economic efficiency of the supplement was 80.92 rubles per cow per day.

Biochemical blood test in high-yielding lactating cows during the initial stage of lactation depending on the housing system

The biochemical parameters of blood in high-yielding lactating dairy cows during the initial stage of lactation and the tightness of this stage depending on the housing system have been studied. Innovative cattle housing and milking methods are considered in comparison with the classic tied housing system. The authors point out that the basis of effective dairy farming is the organization of standardized feeding system, and its impact on the condition of the animal.

An efficient mineral and energy supplement in the rations of highly productive cows

The article discusses the results of scientific and economic experiment carried out on black-motley breed cows on the use of mineral and energy supplement, ‘Reactor’, which includes energy components, calcium propionate, betaine and natural sorbent. The complex action of the investigated product had a positive impact on animal productivity. It was established experimentally that using during the transitional period of 250-350 gr. of ‘Reactor’ per head daily allows to increase daily milk yield of cows in the first hundred days of lactation by 9.8 and 14.5% (to 30.3 and 31.6 kg vs.

Influence of field beans «protected» protein on indicators of dairy cows productivity

The article presents the results of studies how field beans subjected to the microwave and chemical treatment influence the productivity of cows and the composition of milk. It has been found that the using in the cows diet of treated corn field beans in an amount of 1,5 kg per head of livestock increases the average milk yield with 4% fat by 5,3-11,1% and the absolute milk protein yield by 2,9-8, 2%.

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