урожай- ность

The productivity of winter rye on sod-podzolic light loamy soil by using fertilizers and a microbiological preparation

The results of field research conducted on soddy-podzolic light loam soil in the Vologda region established that the use of fertilizers significantly increased the yield of winter rye grain both against the background of the flavobacterin biofungicide and without its use. Depending on the doses of fertilizers and bacterialization with a microbiological preparation, the productivity of straw of winter rye naturally increased, the content of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium in the production increased, the collection of crude protein by grain and the productivity in feed units increased.

Prospects for integration development in potato as the northwestern federal district of the russian federation (on the example of Leningrad region)

Trends of potato production in the Russian northwestern federal region over the past ten years have been studied. A comparative analysis with national figures has been also conducted in the work. The hypothesis is that the growth of income and the labor intensity of potato production in the private sector cause the potato production decline in the region and in the country. In this regard, it has been proposed for farms with dairy specialization to produce potato as the main activity in the conditions of the Russian north-west federal region.

Desk02 theme
