Submitted by red on Wed, 27/12/2017 - 12:57
Тhe study has been carried out at LLC “Evrodon” in October rural area of the Rostov region in 2016 on BIG-6 turkeys cross.It has been established that the gutted carcass output of males is 19, 77±0.69 kg, what is 11.1 kg more than of females. By-products output is also higher by males (0.13; 0.03; 0.10; 0.36; 0.08; 0.05 kg respectively) for heads, gizzards, wings, feet, liver and hearts. It has been also discovered a greater meat and bones output from males than from females: the difference in figure of fillet, thigh, breast, wing, tail, frame is 3.38; 1.3; 1.26; 0.79; 0.16; 1.33 kg.