
Nutrition and quality indicators of succulent feeds of the vologda region in accordance with the requirements og GOST

The article covers the main requirements for the bulky food quality

when feeding dairy cattle. Silage, wilted grass silage and haylage are succulent feeds

that form the basis of dairy farming diet and can reach up to 80% of it. A comparative

study of succulent feed has showed that silage and haylage harvested from wilted

perennial legumes contain more whole protein (by 29.14% and 37.25%, respectively),

feed units (by 12.00% and 19.23%) and less dry matter (by 24.93% and 4.36%),

Sampling of feed for farm animals as an important stage of their analysis. Selection methods and tools

Sampling is an important part of feed analysis and the reliability of measurement results depends on how it is performed. It’s impossible to correct the errors occurring due to incorrect sampling in the future, and researches no matter how accurate they are, become meaningless. Modern feed sampling is a whole system of organizational and technological measures that must be performed to obtain and maintain a representative (i.e., reflecting the average value of all the characteristics of the entire batch of material) sample.

The quality of bulky feeds on the farms of the Vologda Region

The article presents the results of studying the chemical composition and quality of forage harvested on farms of the Vologda Region. As a result of detailed analysis of roughages and succulents nutritive value it has been revealed that regarding metabolizable energy and crude protein they insufficiently meet the needs of highly productive animals. The proportion of the 1st and 2nd class fodders in 2014 was as follows: 14.1% of hay, 38.5% of haylage, 44. 8% of silage.

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