reproductive qualities

The analysis of the reproductive qualities in dairy cows depending on the Dairy Comp 305 system of electronic registration

the use of information technologies  is an important factor for improving productivity in animal husbandry and the industry on the whole. Electronic programs such as Dairy Comp 305 can help to achieve greater results. The program is installed for the first time in the Vologda region at «PZ Pokrovskoye OOO» (Limited Liability Company). There is no information about the effectiveness of its use. The article presents the characteristics of the company and the main reproduction indicators in 2013-2018.

Methods of estimation and selection of pigs by resistance indices

The article deals with the study carried out on the sows of a large white breed and their offsprings. It has been established that the sow resistance is positively associated with their reproductive qualities. A new breeding resistance index is developed. Selecting of one-month old replacement gilts of a large white breed by the new methods of resistance has had a positive result.

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