живая масса

The effect of feeding barley grain with various methods of preliminary preparation in a farm

The article considers the effectiveness of the use of various technologies for feeding barley grain (flattening, extrusion) when fattening young Ayrshire cattle in the conditions of a peasant (farm) economy. The eatability of feed is determined when pretreatment grain is included in the diet of animals. At the same time, it is established that feeding crimped and extruded barley grains made it possible to reduce the consumption of feed by 1 kg of growth.

Dynamics of live weight and weight gains in different lines of black-motley replacement heifers of the Vologda type

In the conditions of the analyzed farms, studies were conducted on growing black-motley heifers of different lines. As the results of the conducted studies have shown, the live weight of heifers in all age periods of the studied lines at the analyzed enterprises is at the level of class I standard requirements or exceeds them by 6-11%. The average daily weight gains of heifers of the studied lines at the age from birth to 6 months were 690-820 g, at the age of 6-10 months – 570-810 g, at the age of 10- 12 months – 600-750 g, at the age of 12-18 months – 620-680 g.

Influence of various diets on association of polymorphism in MSTN gene and live weight increase in young cockerels of pushkin breed

The effect of different diets on the growth rate of Pushkin breed cockerels depending on the genotype in substitution of rs313744840 in the myostatin gene has been analyzed. In cockerels grown on feed for broilers (n = 52) the AG heterozygotes have had the biggest weigh gain, which began to differ significantly (p <0.05) from their peers from the 14th day of life. In cockerels grown on feed for young laying hens (n = 46) the AA homozygotes have had an advantage in growth, but the difference between the groups has proved to be unreliable.

Improving the Romanov young sheep raising

The article presents the materials of synthesizing and analyzing the ten-year experience of a peasant farm on improving the Romanov sheep breeding. New approaches in raising young sheep allow achieving the planned live weight with the rational use of feed per product unit in a timely manner.

Use of starter combined feeds in the ration of black-andwhite replacement heifers

The article presents results of the research dedicated to the influence of starter combined feeds on the growth of black-and-white replacement heifers. It has been found that feeding the animals at the age of 2-5 months with the starter combined feeds in the amount of 1.5-1.7 kg per head daily contributes to greater edibility of feeds and increase in average daily gains while optimizing the animal health condition.

Chlorella suspension use in feeding yield heifers of blackand white breed in milk period growth

The article gives the results of studying on chlorella suspension influence on the yield heifers of black-and white breed. It has been established that feeding crop additions to animals in milk period growth of 0,5kg per head during twenty-four hours brings an increase in average daily gain, feeding activity of heifers along with health conditions optimization.

The live weight of broiler chickens in the use of sapropel derivatives in their ration

The research has been conducted on “Ross-308” broiler chickens in the vivarium of Animal Science and Animal Products Processing Chair of the Velikiye Luki State Agricultural Academy in the Pskov Region. The experimental groups have been formed of ten 13-day-old chickens each. The first experimental group has been given mixed fodder and fresh water with a 1% sapropel extract additive (on a volume basis).

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