кипрей узколистный

The influence of the phase of the growing season on the mineral composition of the narrow-leaved fireweed

In the experiments the mineral composition of narrow-leaved fireweed was studied in different phases of its growing season in the conditions of the NorthWestern region of Russia in the Vologda region. It was experimentally established that narrow-leaved fireweed is a promising forage plant in the North-Western zone of Russia. It can meet the needs of lactating cows in macro-and microelements, except sodium, zinc, copper and cobalt.

The Quality of Silage Made from a Mixture of Fodder Galega and French Willow

Silage-making is a simple and reliable way to preserve the green fodder mass in a succulent state. The article regards the options for silage-making of fodder galega with the addition of French willow (rosebay willow-herb) in various ratios. The quality indicators of the finished feed have been determined. It has been revealed that the pH of all silage variants does not reach the biological limit values for the development of lactic acid bacteria (3.0 - 4.2).

Сultlvation of narrow-leaved fireweed (сhamaenerion angustifolium) together with maral root (rhaponticum carthamoides) (willd) jlin

The authors investigated the ability of narrow-leaved fireweed

(Сhamaenerion angustifolium or Ivan-chai) to grow together with maral root

(Rhaponticum Carthamoides) (Willd.) Iljin. in the Northern part of the non-chernozem

soil zone of Russia. Both plants were found to start grow immediately after melting

of snow cover. The phenological flowering period of the maral root occurs earlier than

that of the narrow-leaved fireweed. The experiment has revealed that in a mixture of

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