Farmer sector of the Vologda region: state, problems and possibilities of their development

УДК 338.43(470.12)

The article presents results of the economical and statistical analysis of the main operational performance of development of country farms (peasant ones) of the Vologda region for 2000-2015. It is proved that the role of this way of living in agrosector has repeatedly increased. The group of region areas according to the share of small farms in the agricultural products production is presented. The made calculations demonstrate that out of 26 municipalities 7 it makes more than 70%. According to the basis of the analysis of law-enforcement practice of the Russian legislation the problem in receiving the land plot for performing economic activity by farmers is proved. Excessive pressure of control-and-supervisory authorities on farmers work is proved which leads to the growth of non-productive expenses and failure to meet schedule terms for field works. On the basis of these questionnaires of the agricultural producers in the Vologda region received in 2012-2015 the conclusion on low degree of their innovative activity and their involvement into the creation and innovations approbation process is drawn. The need of the cooperation development as an effective institute allowing solve problems of agricultural products sale and small farms with material resources supply is shown. The list of prime measures which realization will promote the accumulation of production growth rates in peasant farm is determined.

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