Аgronomical assessment of efficiency of introducing various fertilizer doses for the crop rotation cultures

УДК 631.445.24/582:631.8

On the sod-podzolic medium-loamy soil of the Vologda region, the calculated fertilizer systems have increased productivity by 30-94% on average for 3 years of the research compared to the no-fertilizer option, by 33 - 49% compared to the sowing fertilizer (for cereals and annual crops and applying fertilizer when planting for potatoes). The use of fertilizers provided a high cost of 1kg of active material by productivity gains of all studied crops, and for the research years there has been the highest cost - 23 kg of fodder units. The calculated doses of fertilizers have differed in cost. The organic and mineral system of fertilizer with saturation of 270 kg d. century per 1 hectare has accounted for the highest payment, and at the level of mineral systems with saturation in 294kg of active material per ha. The cost upon the estimated doses of fertilizers has amounted to 8.8 to 10.9 kg of fodder units per 1kg of active material.



Desk02 theme
