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Productivity of winter rye grain, yield of nutritive elements by the culture when using fertilizers in the Vologda region

The calculated fertilizer systems have significantly increased the yield of the Volkhov winter rye in grain by 52-67% and in straw - by 50-59% on the soddy podzolic medium loamy soil of the Vologda region on average for three years of research. Applying fertilizers at the rate of 1cwt/ ha in physical weight when sowing during two years out of three ones has provided a significant increase in the yield of winter rye grain. When using the calculated doses of fertilizers, phosphorus and potassium yields by a unit of production has been slightly below the planned values.

Аgronomical assessment of efficiency of introducing various fertilizer doses for the crop rotation cultures

On the sod-podzolic medium-loamy soil of the Vologda region, the calculated fertilizer systems have increased productivity by 30-94% on average for 3 years of the research compared to the no-fertilizer option, by 33 - 49% compared to the sowing fertilizer (for cereals and annual crops and applying fertilizer when planting for potatoes). The use of fertilizers provided a high cost of 1kg of active material by productivity gains of all studied crops, and for the research years there has been the highest cost - 23 kg of fodder units. The calculated doses of fertilizers have differed in cost.

The influence of fertilizers on the removal of nutrients by crop rotation in the Vologda region

The productivity of crop rotation on soddy podzolic loam soil in the stationary experience during 2015-2017 was high in the conditions of the Vologda region, especially among annual crops. Winter rye and potatoes also differed by consistently high yield and productivity during the years of research. All the studied cultures showed good responsiveness to fertilizers, especially the calculated doses of their application. The average productivity of crop rotation was 3.30-6.34 tonne cu / ha.

The productivity of winter rye on sod-podzolic light loamy soil by using fertilizers and a microbiological preparation

The results of field research conducted on soddy-podzolic light loam soil in the Vologda region established that the use of fertilizers significantly increased the yield of winter rye grain both against the background of the flavobacterin biofungicide and without its use. Depending on the doses of fertilizers and bacterialization with a microbiological preparation, the productivity of straw of winter rye naturally increased, the content of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium in the production increased, the collection of crude protein by grain and the productivity in feed units increased.

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