
Study of the ointment efficiency on the basis of phytoncidal forest complex for udder diseases prevention and treatment of dairy cows

During milk production, cows have udder health problems with edema, subclinical and clinical mastitis. In most cases treatment of these pathologies is based on the injection of antibiotics as monotherapy. In some cases, this results in a «protracted» period of treatment, milk rejection and addiction of microorganisms to the drugs and recurrence of the disease.

Изучение эффективности мази на основе фитонцидного комплекса леса при профилактике и лечении болезней вымени молочных коров

При производстве молока у коров возникают проблемы со здоровьем вымени, проявляющиеся отеками, субклиническими и клиническими маститами. Лечение данных патологий в большинстве случаев основано на введении антибиотиков как монотерапия. В результате это оборачивается в ряде случаев «затяжным» сроком лечения, браковкой молока и привыканием микроорганизмов к применяемым препаратам и рецидивами болезни.

Изучение эффективности мази на основе фитонцидного комплекса леса при профилактике и лечении болезней вымени молочных коров

При производстве молока у коров возникают проблемы со здоровьем вымени, проявляющиеся отеками, субклиническими и клиническими маститами. Лечение данных патологий в большинстве случаев основано на введении антибиотиков как монотерапия. В результате это оборачивается в ряде случаев «затяжным» сроком лечения, браковкой молока и привыканием микроорганизмов к применяемым препаратам и рецидивами болезни.

Productivity and nutritional value of pasture agrophytocenoses based on cereals and legumes

The paper presents the results of studying the influence of the species of perennial legumes and cereals on the productivity and nutritional value of pasture agrophytocenoses of the European North of the Russian Federation. The field experiment was started in 2017 and is still continuing. In the course of the research, it has been found that the most nutritious and highly productive, in comparison with the control variant, are the mixtures of legumes and cereals with the inclusion of festulolium or perennial ryegrass.

Correlation relationships of economic characteristics in black-and-white cattle

The present study has been carried out for obtaining comparative correlation data between productive and reproductive characteristics of the daughters of domestic and foreign breeding bulls in the modern black-and-white population of the Vologda region. The research is based on the works of domestic and foreign scientists and information databases on 10250 black-and-white cows of the 1st calving in the Vologda breeding farms. The statistical data has been calculated in the Microsoft Excel program.

Meat productivity of crossbred cattle improved by Red Steppe and Black-motley breeds

The article describes the results of studying crossbred cattle. Under equal keeping conditions and moderate feeding the sons of the Red Steppe mothers and the Red Danish and Holstein fathers (groups I and III) used 7-19% less feed units and 6-15% less protein per 1 kg of weight gain than crossbred bull calves of the Red Steppe and Angler, Black-motley and Holstein breeds (groups II and IV). No regularity was found in the consumption of feed per 1 kg of weight gain between the sons of breed improvers of different categories and interbreed hybrids.

Rational area of walking zones in raising broiler chickens

As a result of the studies, it has been found that higher productivity
and better meat qualities of free-range chickens were obtained in the group of poultry,
where each head of poultry had 3 m2 of walking area.


Аgronomical assessment of efficiency of introducing various fertilizer doses for the crop rotation cultures

On the sod-podzolic medium-loamy soil of the Vologda region, the calculated fertilizer systems have increased productivity by 30-94% on average for 3 years of the research compared to the no-fertilizer option, by 33 - 49% compared to the sowing fertilizer (for cereals and annual crops and applying fertilizer when planting for potatoes). The use of fertilizers provided a high cost of 1kg of active material by productivity gains of all studied crops, and for the research years there has been the highest cost - 23 kg of fodder units. The calculated doses of fertilizers have differed in cost.

Flax productivity in seven-field crop rotation on sod-podzolic light loamy soil by using fertilizers and biopreparation

New experimental data have been obtained in the stationary multi-year field experiment on sod-podzolic light loamy soil in 2016-2017. Actual yields of flax straw and seeds of «Levit 1» flax variety in 7-fields system with different levels of fertilizer doses are calculated using balance coefficients in «Mizorin» biological preparation application and without it.

The dynamics of number, indices of productivity and economic use in the breed populations of dairy cattle

The article presents the results of monitoring the number of livestock, the indices of dairy cows productivity and the period of their economic use in the populations of Ayrshire, Holstein, Kholmogory, Black and White, Yaroslavl breeds in all categories of farms of the Vologda region. Based on the data from yearbooks on breeding on dairy cattle breeding farms of the Russian Federation the dynamics in the number of evaluated cattle and cows according to their breed populations for 2012-2016 has been defined.


Desk02 theme
