
Comparative productivity evaluation of meadow clover (trifolium pratense l.) different varieties in the Vologda region

It was found that the highest hay yield compared to the standard Trio

variety was observed in the Taezhnik variety (105.3 C/ha) in the conditions of the

Vologda region on sod-podzolic medium loamy soil for 2017-2019. The variety to

control provided a significant increase in yield of 15.9 C / ha (18%). The Allure variety

showed a significantly lower yield compared to the standard (17 C / ha, i.e.19%). The

rest of the studied Ranniy-2 and Roseta varieties provided the yield at the standard

The efficiency of foliar dressings with nano-preparations in increasing the productivity and stability of potatoes to diseases and weeds

As a result of complex investigations conducted in the Tver region in 2013-2015 on well-cultivated soddy medium podzolic sandy loam soil the peculiarities of forming bio-resistance and productivity in three potato varieties (Lyubava, Krasavchik, Nikulinskiy) under the influence of foliar dressings with AgBion-2 and NanoGro preparations having different working liquid concentrations have been studied.

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