somatic cells

The comparative characteristic of the milk quality indicators at the breeding farms of the Totemskiy district in the Vologda region (taking into account the seasonality)

The article presents the results of studies devoted to the milk quality indicators: mass fat fraction, mass protein fraction, mass fraction of solids non fat, somatic cells in modern breeding farms of the Totem district in the Vologda region. In 2019 the quality milk indicators were determined from cows in the “Rodina” SPK (collective farm), the “Totemskiy” SPK and the “Velikodvorye”collective farm. Based on the data obtained the research was formed, the comparative characteristic of the milk quality indicators was carried out taking into account the season of the year.

Milk quality of Ayrshire breed cows (Prilutsky type) depending on a season and a keeping way

The article presents the results of the season study influencing the on the milk quality of Ayrshire breed cows (Prilutskiy type). It is established that regardless of the keeping cows the protein and fat content in milk of Ayrshire breed cows (Prilutskiy type) at the «Agrofirma Red Star» tends to decrease in summer. Regardless of the season the somatic cell indicators in cow’s milk are lower in 1.73-2.03 times when loose housing and milking in the parlor compared with the tethered housing and milking in the stalls.

Effect of different milk production technology on milk yield of cows and somatic cell maintenance

The article provides the information on the results of the study of quantitative and qualitative indicators of milk and somatic cells based on the method of keeping and cows’ milking technology. The influence of the technology of the milk yield on the somatic cells maintenance is established.

Influence of the season on the maintenance of somatic cells in the milk of black-and-white cows under various milking technologies

The article presents the results of the season dependence on the somatic cells quantity in black-and-white cow’s milk according to the milking technology.

Influence of feed quality on milk productivity indicators

The article presents the results of studies on affecting of feed quality on the quality and quantity milk indicators in view of a livestock management method and milking technology. The analysis has revealed the relationship between the balanced diet of dairy cows and the level of milk yield. With the improvement of bulky feed quality the quality of milk has improved too. During the period under review we have noticed an increase in milk production and mass fraction of milk fat content using all management methods and technologies of milking.

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