The comparative characteristic of the milk quality indicators at the breeding farms of the Totemskiy district in the Vologda region (taking into account the seasonality)

УДК 636.082.1

The article presents the results of studies devoted to the milk quality indicators: mass fat fraction, mass protein fraction, mass fraction of solids non fat, somatic cells in modern breeding farms of the Totem district in the Vologda region. In 2019 the quality milk indicators were determined from cows in the “Rodina” SPK (collective farm), the “Totemskiy” SPK and the “Velikodvorye”collective farm. Based on the data obtained the research was formed, the comparative characteristic of the milk quality indicators was carried out taking into account the season of the year. 19503 samples were examined for the analyzed time period. Milk sampling was carried out in accordance with the monthly control cow milking schedule and tested on a Combi-Foss infrared spectrometer. The device from FOSS (Denmark), which was used to analyze the quality of milk is the world leader in the production of analytical instruments. The main advantages of this milk analyzer were high measurement accuracy and obtaining several indicators at the same time. According to the results of the study for 2019 all analyzed breeding farms of the Totemskiy district in the Vologda region revealed high quality milk indicators that meet the requirements of GOST. The highest indicators of milk quality were noted in autumn. The content of somatic cells corresponded to the Russian standard GOST R 52054-2003 “Natural cow’s milk - raw material. Technical conditions “. According to the results of the study for 2019 all studied breeds revealed high quality milk indicators that meet the requirements of GOST throughout the year.

Desk02 theme
