
Selection and genetic parameters in the selection of dairy cattle

Studies were conducted to study the variability and correlation of indicators of dairy productivity of cattle in the conditions of breeding enterprises of the Omsk region, as well as the optimal size of the breeding group was determined on the basis of the Pareto diagram. It was found that the coefficient of variation of milk yield in cows of the red steppe breed was 23.4 %, which is 4.3% more than in cows of the black-and-white breed. To form breeding groups in breeding farms in the region, they must have a milk yield of at least 7000 kg of milk.

Influence of degrees of inbreeding on the economic and useful qualities of dairy cattle

Studies were conducted to determine the relationship between the method of breeding, the reproductive qualities of heifers and their subsequent milk productivity in the conditions of enterprises of the Omsk region. It was found that the best characteristics of reproductive qualities are heifers with an inbreeding coefficient of up to 6.25% or with moderate inbreeding and inseminated from 13 to 18 months of age. With increasing homozygosity of organisms, the level of milk productivity decreases.

Correlation relationships of economic characteristics in black-and-white cattle

The present study has been carried out for obtaining comparative correlation data between productive and reproductive characteristics of the daughters of domestic and foreign breeding bulls in the modern black-and-white population of the Vologda region. The research is based on the works of domestic and foreign scientists and information databases on 10250 black-and-white cows of the 1st calving in the Vologda breeding farms. The statistical data has been calculated in the Microsoft Excel program.

Rating assessment of breeding bulls of the Kholmogorskaya breed in terms of reproductive indicators in foreign and domestic breeding

The article presents the results of rating assessment of breeding bulls of the Kholmogorskaya breed in terms of reproductive indicators in foreign and domestic breeding in the North-West zone of the Russian Federation. The studies were conducted on the basis of a rating developed in the Northwest Research Institute of Dairy and Grassland Economy. 765 daughters of 18 domestic breeding bulls and 14 of foreign breeding bulls were observed. The rating of breeding bulls is established on reproductive signs of daughters.

Technological aspects of increasing the productive longevity of dairy herds

The research has been carried out to establish the duration of productive use of breeding stock in the breeding farms of the Omsk region. As far as the productive use duration, the cows kept in free stall housing are found to have a significant advantage compared to the tied cows, the difference being 177 days or 17.2 %. A negative correlation has been established between the abundance of milk and the duration of productive use of cows in tied herds.


The impact and results of using sires in dairy cattle populations in the Vologda region

Studies were conducted on controlled populations of dairy cattle of

Ayrshire, Kholmogory, Yaroslavl, black-and-white breeds of breeding farms in the

Vologda region. It has been revealed that the sires of domestic selection have a greater

degree of influence on the productive indices of their daughters than foreign ones do.

The calculation of the breeding value of bulls in terms of their daughters’ productivity

has been carried out, and on the basis of a comparative analysis the best producers

Lifetime use of cows from different breeding bulls

The article presents the influence of the birthplace in Ayrshire producers from Vologda region on the lifetime productivity and terms of using their daughters in the breeding plants (Krasnaya Zvezda and Maysky  integrated agricultural production  companies). The selection influence on using of daughters is found out, namely high lifetime productivity indicators are typical for cows from imported producers, longevity and high fat content for the descendants of domestic bulls.


Breeding black-motley cattle for productive longevity

The article presents the results of black-motley cattle linear breeding in the Vologda region. The linear dependence of black-motley cows’ useful life has been established both in purebred animals and in crosses with Holstein sires.

Comparative Evaluation of the Productive Characteristics in Holstein Heifers of Different Selections under the conditions of the Volga Region Forest Steppe

Modernization of cattle breeding industry in Russia is done by creation of a large dairy farms wide network and active breeding of highly productive cattle. During the formation of highly productive herds on dairy farms and complexes is necessary to consider the imported cattle adaptation to the specific conditions of different regions.

The results of crossbreeding black-and-white cattle and the Holstein breed in the Vologda region

The article presents the results of crossbreeding black-and-white cattle breed and the Holstein one: population and level of milk production change in holsteinized cattle. It has been found that increasing consanguinity of Holstein breed affects milk yield raising. Moreover, the fat and protein content in milk of different cows genotypes varies slightly. It has been proven that the crossbreeding of black-and-white cattle with the Holstein breed is effective.

Desk02 theme