пропионовокислые бактерии

Microbiological Aspects of Enriched Fermented Milk Products Manufacture with Use of Whey

The possibility of using propionic acid bacteria and acidophilic lactobacillus as a probiotic microflora has been analyzed. The use of kefir grains in the composition of a polycomponent starter has been suggested. A comparative assessment of starter cultures development in cheese whey and skimmed milk has been carried out. A decrease in the activity of growth and acid formation during their cultivation in whey has been noted.

Технологические аспекты производства обогащенных кисломолочных продуктов с использованием молочной сыворотки

The article presents the technology of producing enriched fermented dairy products with whey. The authors describe the composition of the multicomponent starter culture for fermented dairy products, which provides probiotic properties of the products. The component composition and parameters of fermenting milk and whey basis for fermented dairy products are determined. The reasonability of using the syrup of the white mulberry fruit in formulations and its mass fraction applying is determined.

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