зелёная масса

Evaluating harvested feed in the Vologda Region for the presence of nitrate compounds

The improvement of agriculture is inextricably linked with the increase in feed production. The intensive feed production system involves using high doses of nitrogen fertilizers. This significantly increases the yield, but at the same time nitrates accumulate in soil, water and feed. Excessive amount of nitrates causes the wrong course of functioning in natural ecosystems and animal organisms, there is a decrease in the biological value of products. Meanwhile, the importance of nitrates and their impact on human health has increased recently.

Сultlvation of narrow-leaved fireweed (сhamaenerion angustifolium) together with maral root (rhaponticum carthamoides) (willd) jlin

The authors investigated the ability of narrow-leaved fireweed

(Сhamaenerion angustifolium or Ivan-chai) to grow together with maral root

(Rhaponticum Carthamoides) (Willd.) Iljin. in the Northern part of the non-chernozem

soil zone of Russia. Both plants were found to start grow immediately after melting

of snow cover. The phenological flowering period of the maral root occurs earlier than

that of the narrow-leaved fireweed. The experiment has revealed that in a mixture of

Forming yielding capacity of green and dry mass of topinambur depending on its harvesting time

The article presents the research results on the influence of topinambur

harvesting time on the green mass and absolute dry matter yields. The one-factor

experiment has been launched according to the method of B.A. Dospekhov in the

educational and scientific experimental field of Perm State Agrarian and Technological

University. The experiment has followed the following scheme: 1 – gathering of green

mass on the 10th day after the flowering phase, 2 – gathering of green mass on the 20th

Productivity of spring rape varieties and its hybrids in the Upper Volga region

Представлены результаты научных исследований по особенностям формирования урожайности 16 отечественных и зарубежных сортов и гибридов ярового рапса, выполненные в производственном опыте на хорошо окультуренной дерново-среднеподзолистой среднесуглинистой почве в Ржевском районе Тверской области в ОАО «Агрофирма «Дмитрова гора». Площадь учетной делянки – 1 га, повторность – 2-х-кратная, площадь под опытом ‒ 35 га.

Quality of the green mass of grass at farms of the Vologda region

The article outlines the regulatory requirements for assessing the quality of green fodder and the actual nutritional value of green mass at farms of the Vologda region. More than 100 green mass samples were investigated for the period 2016 - 2018.

Desk02 theme
