Productivity of winter rye grain, yield of nutritive elements by the culture when using fertilizers in the Vologda region
The calculated fertilizer systems have significantly increased the yield of the Volkhov winter rye in grain by 52-67% and in straw - by 50-59% on the soddy podzolic medium loamy soil of the Vologda region on average for three years of research. Applying fertilizers at the rate of 1cwt/ ha in physical weight when sowing during two years out of three ones has provided a significant increase in the yield of winter rye grain. When using the calculated doses of fertilizers, phosphorus and potassium yields by a unit of production has been slightly below the planned values. When using the calculated doses of fertilizers, nitrogen and potassium yields have increased by 5-6 kg (20-24%) and 3-7 kg (17-39%) compared to the control, respectively.