
Effect of herbicides on oil-bearing flax productivity

The article presents a comparative assessment of the effect of such selective herbicides as Herbitox, Furex, Miura and their tank mixtures on the yields of seeds and oil-bearing flax straw, as well as on the elements of its productivity, such as oil content, oil yield, protein content, protein yield, plant height and weight of 1000 seeds. The results of the research has revealed the dependence of yielding capacity of oil-bearing flax seeds on herbicides on the leached chernozem soil of the forest-steppe of the Middle Volga region.

The Influence of Agricultural Methods on Formation of Agrophytocenoses of Perennial Grasses of Intensive Use in the European North of Russia

The article presents the results of a four-year research on the study of agricultural methods for creating agrophytocenoses of perennial grasses for intensive use. According to the results of the studies, it has been found out that the content of seeded grass species in the grass stand has been high regardless of the species composition and method of sowing and has been 83-94.1% in the third year of use. The method of sowing has had an impact on the botanical composition of agrophytocenoses – the amount of weed vegetation has been higher with the subcover method by 1.2-1.4 times.

Productivity of variegated alfalfa after being treated with growth regulators in the Vologda region

Variegated alfalfa is a forage crop that occupies a leading place among perennial forage crops due to its multicut capacity, high yield of green mass and the nutritional value of the resulted feeds. The article presents the results of plant treatment with Biosil, Al’fastim and Emistim growth regulators. The effect of these preparations on the growth processes of variegated alfalfa and the increase of the green mass yield has been proved from theoretical and practical point of view.

Influence of humic substances on yield, quality and keeping qualities of red beet

The research carried out in the Pskov region on sod-podzolic mediumloamy soil during 2017-2019 has shown, that Lignogumat potasssic and Gidrogumin humic preparations increase the field germination of such three varieties of the table beet as Bona, Krasnaya Koroleva and Mulatka by 10-17% in pre-sowing seed preparation.

Comparative productivity evaluation of meadow clover (trifolium pratense l.) different varieties in the Vologda region

It was found that the highest hay yield compared to the standard Trio

variety was observed in the Taezhnik variety (105.3 C/ha) in the conditions of the

Vologda region on sod-podzolic medium loamy soil for 2017-2019. The variety to

control provided a significant increase in yield of 15.9 C / ha (18%). The Allure variety

showed a significantly lower yield compared to the standard (17 C / ha, i.e.19%). The

rest of the studied Ranniy-2 and Roseta varieties provided the yield at the standard

Сultlvation of narrow-leaved fireweed (сhamaenerion angustifolium) together with maral root (rhaponticum carthamoides) (willd) jlin

The authors investigated the ability of narrow-leaved fireweed

(Сhamaenerion angustifolium or Ivan-chai) to grow together with maral root

(Rhaponticum Carthamoides) (Willd.) Iljin. in the Northern part of the non-chernozem

soil zone of Russia. Both plants were found to start grow immediately after melting

of snow cover. The phenological flowering period of the maral root occurs earlier than

that of the narrow-leaved fireweed. The experiment has revealed that in a mixture of

Forming yielding capacity of green and dry mass of topinambur depending on its harvesting time

The article presents the research results on the influence of topinambur

harvesting time on the green mass and absolute dry matter yields. The one-factor

experiment has been launched according to the method of B.A. Dospekhov in the

educational and scientific experimental field of Perm State Agrarian and Technological

University. The experiment has followed the following scheme: 1 – gathering of green

mass on the 10th day after the flowering phase, 2 – gathering of green mass on the 20th

Productivity of varieties of jerusalem artichoke with different density of standing

The work presents the results of a three-year field three-factor experiment. The productivity of Jerusalem artichoke (Skorospelka and Interest varieties) has been researched on the soddy podzolic soil with different plant stand: 47,6; 31,7; 20,4 thousand plants/ha; with two variants of mineral nutrition (calculated dose by the balance method and for full compensation of nutrient removal). It has been found that the best productivity has the Interest variety in raw (69,8 t/ha) and absolutely dry (15,4 t/ha) biomass.

Аftereffect of the biomodified organic-mineral fertilizers on agro-podzolic soil

One of the tasks facing the agrochemistry is the search for fertilizers of prolonged action, with the gradual release of nutrients and having aftereffect. Under the conditions of a stationary field experiment on soddy-medium-podzolic light loamy soil in the conditions of the Northern Non-Black Soil Zone, the effectiveness of organic- mineral fertilizer (OMF) made on the basis of lowland peat with the addition of macro- and microelements, as well as humic acids manufactured by OAO the Buyskiy Chemical Plant has been studied.

Grazing efficiency of cattle

Scientific and production experience has been carried out to study the value of the herbs of alpine meadows, where livestock are fed and achieve good results. It is advisable to use natural mountain and pre-mountain pastures for feeding livestock if they begin to be grassed after growing 15-17 cm According to the results of our research, concentrated feeds are also most efficiently used as feeding at the final stage of the burning, that is, during the preparation of livestock for sale for meat.



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