
Study of the ointment efficiency on the basis of phytoncidal forest complex for udder diseases prevention and treatment of dairy cows

During milk production, cows have udder health problems with edema, subclinical and clinical mastitis. In most cases treatment of these pathologies is based on the injection of antibiotics as monotherapy. In some cases, this results in a «protracted» period of treatment, milk rejection and addiction of microorganisms to the drugs and recurrence of the disease.

Изучение эффективности мази на основе фитонцидного комплекса леса при профилактике и лечении болезней вымени молочных коров

При производстве молока у коров возникают проблемы со здоровьем вымени, проявляющиеся отеками, субклиническими и клиническими маститами. Лечение данных патологий в большинстве случаев основано на введении антибиотиков как монотерапия. В результате это оборачивается в ряде случаев «затяжным» сроком лечения, браковкой молока и привыканием микроорганизмов к применяемым препаратам и рецидивами болезни.

Изучение эффективности мази на основе фитонцидного комплекса леса при профилактике и лечении болезней вымени молочных коров

При производстве молока у коров возникают проблемы со здоровьем вымени, проявляющиеся отеками, субклиническими и клиническими маститами. Лечение данных патологий в большинстве случаев основано на введении антибиотиков как монотерапия. В результате это оборачивается в ряде случаев «затяжным» сроком лечения, браковкой молока и привыканием микроорганизмов к применяемым препаратам и рецидивами болезни.

The comparative characteristic of the fat content of milk in cows, taking into account the season of the year

In dairy farming, when breeding dairy breeds of cattle, milk quality is an important factor, milk fat content in particular. According to the results of the research, on 3 farms of the Vologda region for the period from 2017 to 2019, taking into account the season of the year and basing on the comparative characteristics, high values of the mass fraction of fat in milk samples of cows have been revealed in autumn. On average, the farms have established high quality values of the mass fraction of fat that meet the state standard requirements.

The comparative characteristic of the milk quality indicators at the breeding farms of the Totemskiy district in the Vologda region (taking into account the seasonality)

The article presents the results of studies devoted to the milk quality indicators: mass fat fraction, mass protein fraction, mass fraction of solids non fat, somatic cells in modern breeding farms of the Totem district in the Vologda region. In 2019 the quality milk indicators were determined from cows in the “Rodina” SPK (collective farm), the “Totemskiy” SPK and the “Velikodvorye”collective farm. Based on the data obtained the research was formed, the comparative characteristic of the milk quality indicators was carried out taking into account the season of the year.

The influence of cows’ breeds on the quality indicators of milk

In modern conditions of breeding dairy breeds of cattle, an important

element of the study is the influence of breed and quality indicators of milk. The studies

were carried out in 2019 on the basis of the SHPK “Plemzavod Maysky” Vologda region

on the quality indicators of milk from Ayrshire and black-and-white cows in the amount

of 15663 milk samples. Based on the results of milk samples, a research database on

milk quality indicators was formed and a comparative characteristic was carried out

Biological and productive features of black-motley cows with various milking techniques

The research was carried out at an enterprise in the Sverdlovsk region. Two groups of black-motley cows were formed: the first including cows of free stall housing with a robotic milking system; the second having tied cows that were milked into the milk pipeline. It was found that udder measurements of animals of the first group had greater values than those of the second group.

Dynamics of dairy cattle breeding development in the European North of the Russian Federation

 The article presents the research results on the quantitative and

qualitative characteristics of dairy cattle populations and breeding farms in the European

North of the Russian Federation. Nowadays, taking into account the current political and

economic situation of the livestock sector management, the problem of preserving the

number of dairy cattle breeds and increasing cow’s milk productivity is quite pressing.

     In the European North of the Russian Federation, there has been found the

Milk quality of Ayrshire breed cows (Prilutsky type) depending on a season and a keeping way

The article presents the results of the season study influencing the on the milk quality of Ayrshire breed cows (Prilutskiy type). It is established that regardless of the keeping cows the protein and fat content in milk of Ayrshire breed cows (Prilutskiy type) at the «Agrofirma Red Star» tends to decrease in summer. Regardless of the season the somatic cell indicators in cow’s milk are lower in 1.73-2.03 times when loose housing and milking in the parlor compared with the tethered housing and milking in the stalls.

Selection aspects of increasing the terms of productive use of cows of Ayrshire breed

The article presents the research materials concerning the terms of productive economic use of Ayrshire cows bred in the Vologda region. The differences of animals of different genealogical lines of Ayrshire cattle on the number of lactation, milking days and milk life productivity were revealed. The influence on the specified indicators of various options of breeding animals’ selection is established. Recommendations on improvement of selection and breeding work with Ayrshire cattle breed are given


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