качество молока

Study of the ointment efficiency on the basis of phytoncidal forest complex for udder diseases prevention and treatment of dairy cows

During milk production, cows have udder health problems with edema, subclinical and clinical mastitis. In most cases treatment of these pathologies is based on the injection of antibiotics as monotherapy. In some cases, this results in a «protracted» period of treatment, milk rejection and addiction of microorganisms to the drugs and recurrence of the disease.

Изучение эффективности мази на основе фитонцидного комплекса леса при профилактике и лечении болезней вымени молочных коров

При производстве молока у коров возникают проблемы со здоровьем вымени, проявляющиеся отеками, субклиническими и клиническими маститами. Лечение данных патологий в большинстве случаев основано на введении антибиотиков как монотерапия. В результате это оборачивается в ряде случаев «затяжным» сроком лечения, браковкой молока и привыканием микроорганизмов к применяемым препаратам и рецидивами болезни.

Изучение эффективности мази на основе фитонцидного комплекса леса при профилактике и лечении болезней вымени молочных коров

При производстве молока у коров возникают проблемы со здоровьем вымени, проявляющиеся отеками, субклиническими и клиническими маститами. Лечение данных патологий в большинстве случаев основано на введении антибиотиков как монотерапия. В результате это оборачивается в ряде случаев «затяжным» сроком лечения, браковкой молока и привыканием микроорганизмов к применяемым препаратам и рецидивами болезни.

Analysis of health condition, milk production and reproduction of cows when using in rations food additives based on needles

In order to increase the productivity of dairy cows and maintain their health, the search for complex food additives with multifactorial positive properties is continuously carried out. A scientific and economic experiment of a new food additive based on needles developed by the technical and research centre “Khiminvest” has been conducted. The experiment has been conducted by the method of groups-analogues on highly productive cows.

Milk quality of Ayrshire breed cows (Prilutsky type) depending on a season and a keeping way

The article presents the results of the season study influencing the on the milk quality of Ayrshire breed cows (Prilutskiy type). It is established that regardless of the keeping cows the protein and fat content in milk of Ayrshire breed cows (Prilutskiy type) at the «Agrofirma Red Star» tends to decrease in summer. Regardless of the season the somatic cell indicators in cow’s milk are lower in 1.73-2.03 times when loose housing and milking in the parlor compared with the tethered housing and milking in the stalls.

The effect of yeast products on the milk production of cows

The article presents the study results of the effect of the yeast supplements “Optisaf” and “Progut Rumen” on the productivity and quality milk indicators from highly productive cows. It has been established that at the doses recommended by the manufacturer, their use improves the eatability of feed of the basic diet, increases the milk productivity and leads to an increase in the mass fraction of fat.

Comparative Evaluation of the Productive Characteristics in Holstein Heifers of Different Selections under the conditions of the Volga Region Forest Steppe

Modernization of cattle breeding industry in Russia is done by creation of a large dairy farms wide network and active breeding of highly productive cattle. During the formation of highly productive herds on dairy farms and complexes is necessary to consider the imported cattle adaptation to the specific conditions of different regions.

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