nutritional value

Fermented milk product with increased nutritional value

The article is devoted to the development of a new fermented milk drink with increased nutritional value, which is achieved through the use of crushed wheat bran and maple syrup in the recipe. The characteristics of the fillers used are presented, the doses of their application are justified, the calculations of the food and energy value of the product are carried out.

Research of composition and physical-chemical properties of curd whey concentrate obtained by nanofiltration

The article presents studies of nanofiltrate-curd whey concentrate

samples as well as its calculated nutritional and caloric value. It shows the expediency of

using nanofiltrate-curd whey concentrate in the production of functional dairy products.

Nutrition and quality indicators of succulent feeds of the vologda region in accordance with the requirements og GOST

The article covers the main requirements for the bulky food quality

when feeding dairy cattle. Silage, wilted grass silage and haylage are succulent feeds

that form the basis of dairy farming diet and can reach up to 80% of it. A comparative

study of succulent feed has showed that silage and haylage harvested from wilted

perennial legumes contain more whole protein (by 29.14% and 37.25%, respectively),

feed units (by 12.00% and 19.23%) and less dry matter (by 24.93% and 4.36%),

Monitoring the viability of dairy cows

The article presents a working model for monitoring the basic body processes in animals. The main approaches to the implementation of the proposed model are described and disclosed. It has been indicated that the requirements for assessing feed quality and actual nutritional value include the task core to be solved not only in order to control viability, but also to increase the dairy farming efficiency at agricultural enterprises of the Vologda region.

Quality of the green mass of grass at farms of the Vologda region

The article outlines the regulatory requirements for assessing the quality of green fodder and the actual nutritional value of green mass at farms of the Vologda region. More than 100 green mass samples were investigated for the period 2016 - 2018.

Influence of harvesting time of cereal crops on the productivity and the quality of the forage in the conditions of the European North of Russia

The article presents the results of studies on the impact of grain harvesting on the productivity, species composition, nutritional value of grain fodder for 2001-2005. The highest productivity is provided by grains during harvesting in the early phase of wax ripeness of grain. The obtained grain is successfully stored when creating hermetic conditions and using biological and chemical preservatives. Losses during the storage of wet plum grain when using the preservative Biotrof 600 and spruce needles are reduced by 1.5-2.0 times.

Yields of legume - cereal grass in pasture use depending on the species composition UNDER the Vologda region conditions

The article presents the results of the four years research (2012-2015) on yield capacity, nutritional value and botanical composition of grassland phytocenoses. The most productive is recognized as a four legume-cereal grass mixture on the basis of Carmine red clover and eastern goat’s-rue Krivich in combination with the fescue and timothy grass. Mixture is characterized by a high proportion of legumes (40.9%), enhanced yielding from 1 ha fodder units (2851), digestible protein (400.6 kg / ha) and high nitrogen-fixing ability (69.7 kg / ha).

The application of bio-preserving agents in the procurement of corn silage in the vologda region Fomenko Polina Anatoljevna, senior researcher

The quality of harvested corn silage with the use of preserving agents and without preserving agents was studied. The nutritional value of corn silage and the production of high quality feed for feeding highly productive animals have been revealed. The positive effect of preserving agents on the quality of corn silage has been established.

Desk02 theme