economic efficiency

Maize cultivation in conditions of high soil fertility and its diversity: macro-factor approach to modern agronomy

The research conducted on corn silage cultivation in 2009-2019 in the conditions of the agricultural enterprise “Mazolovogaz” AC at “Vitsebskoblgaz” UE allowed us to determine the main directions for optimizing the soil structure for silage, which should be reduced to 15.0-20.0% with an increase in productivity.

Progressive agronomy in creation and effective use of high-productive haying pasture lands for dairy cattle breading

Long-term researches into the feasibility, consistency and cost-effectiveness of creation and effective use of haying pasture lands for dairy cattle breading showed that different approaches to the redistribution of resources available in agro-farming can be used in various farming conditions. The economic efficiency of the innovation under consideration is, according to the hayfields, 1.33 $ / year of net profit per 1 hectare of agricultural land, and for pastures 5,24 $ / year.

An efficient mineral and energy supplement in the rations of highly productive cows

The article discusses the results of scientific and economic experiment carried out on black-motley breed cows on the use of mineral and energy supplement, ‘Reactor’, which includes energy components, calcium propionate, betaine and natural sorbent. The complex action of the investigated product had a positive impact on animal productivity. It was established experimentally that using during the transitional period of 250-350 gr. of ‘Reactor’ per head daily allows to increase daily milk yield of cows in the first hundred days of lactation by 9.8 and 14.5% (to 30.3 and 31.6 kg vs.

Economic efficiency of canned milk product with sugar, malt and malt extract production

The work was carried out on marketing researches of the canned dairy products market of the Vologda region and the calculation of economic efficiency of the products developed on the basis of malt and malt extract production. The results of the calculation showed that the cost of new products does not exceed the desired potential customers the price established in the course of marketing research. Also, the advantage of the developed canned milk products with sugar is the increased nutritive and biological value in contrast the traditional canned milk.

Economic designing elements of dairy farming

The aspects, influencing the effective functioning of the dairy farming are considered: profitability in dairy cattle breeding, cattle breed, the territory, that must be provided with products of dairy cattle, the territory for the construction of the dairy complex. It was established, that with a high productivity of cattle, the ratio of the cost to the cost of selling the product has a dominant role in determining profitability. The permissible limits of the deviation of the profitability increase were determined.

The efficiency of foliar dressings with nano-preparations in increasing the productivity and stability of potatoes to diseases and weeds

As a result of complex investigations conducted in the Tver region in 2013-2015 on well-cultivated soddy medium podzolic sandy loam soil the peculiarities of forming bio-resistance and productivity in three potato varieties (Lyubava, Krasavchik, Nikulinskiy) under the influence of foliar dressings with AgBion-2 and NanoGro preparations having different working liquid concentrations have been studied.

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